Refund and Cancellation Policy

The standard delivery takes 3 - 5 working days depending on your location. Once your order is shipped we'll send you an email with the tracking link with your order details to track your shipment. You can also track the status of the shipment on WWW.MANDHHIRAM.COM.

If you require any support on your orders, please get in touch with us at and we will be happy to help you out. If you want to order in bulk, feel free to get in touch with us at mentioned e-mail id with your order details and we'll modify the delivery according to your needs.

Pre-Paid Transactions

We accept all debit cards, credit cards, Net banking transactions from the leading Indian Banks. All the Pre-paid transactions will be securely processed from our associated Payment Gateway Partner Cash Free Payments.

Cash on Delivery (COD)

You can pay by Cash On Delivery (COD) in all indian major cities and towns with an additional cost of Rs. 50 per order. Please review and confirm your order before checkout. In this case you are agreed to pay the order value by Cash to our associated courier partner at the time of delivery.

Tracking Your Order

Once the product is dispatched through our associated Courier partner, you will be communicated by email with tracking details which can be used to track your shipment on our website at WWW.MANDHHIRAM.COM. This tracking number normally becomes operational within 24 hours of dispatch. For any further assistance please write to us at

Refund & Cancellation Policy

There are no service charges applicable for any orders cancelled within 24 hours after order confirmation.  Orders which are cancelled after 24 hours 5% of the total order value, 15% after shipping will be charged respectively and rest of the amount will be refunded to the customer within 48 hours. 

For any further support on your Refunds and Cancellations, please get in touch with our customer support tea at 

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